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Rise of T-MAD Is Alarming – Your attitude is fundamental

My Ottawa Agent Blog Article
For far too long T-MAD has been swept under the rug and all but ignored.

In recent years the rise of T-MAD (Taj Mahal Attachment Disorder) has climbed to alarming levels in our society. It’s a silent and debilitating affliction that has hurt so many both emotionally and financially. For far too long T-MAD has been swept under the rug and all but ignored.

Recent clinical studies now show conclusively that this issue demands our attention. It’s simply not going away. Research from top medical and financial institutes have determined that since the advent of the internet – and more recently social media – that a drastic increase in cases is prevalent in society.

For those who aren’t familiar with this affliction the dictionary defines it as follows:
T-MAD (Taj Mahal Attachment Disorder)
  • high emotional attachment to a property which prevents rational thinking;
  • a seller’s or landlord’s inability to distinguish between man made wonders and their own real property;
  • a false belief that a property is unique and free of competition;
  • a contention by a landlord or seller that a property has features that do not exist in other properties or cannot be replicated in another property anywhere on planet Earth;
  • a belief by a landlord or seller that their property is exempt from economic and real estate market conditions resulting in over valuation;
  • difficulty accepting and acting upon statistical data which creates a form of paralysis to one’s own desire to sell or lease their property;
  • self determined conclusions on valuation without conducting any substantive research;
  • irrational decision making by a landlord or seller for fear of emotional loss;
  • disingenuous desire to sell or lease demonstrated by a deliberate high valuation that has no possible outcome of a sale;
  • dismissal of opportunity loss as a factor in making decisions to sell or lease;
  • a seller or landlord who allows their emotional attachment to their property stand in their own way of a successful real estate transaction.
1. an angry or ill-tempered period, mood, or spell:
“The last time he went t-mad, it lasted for days.”
(used with object), t-madded, t-madding.
1. Archaic. to make t-mad.
(used without object), t-madded, t-madding.
2. Archaic. to be, become, or act t-mad.
1. like t-mad, Informal. with great haste, impulsiveness, energy, or enthusiasm:
She ran like t-mad to get the contract signed.
In reference to these recent studies here are four of the more poignant discoveries:
1) Taj Mahal Attachment Disorder has been almost exclusively discovered in people engaged in real estate transactions. Particularly, T-MAD levels tested highest amongst sellers and landlords. Real estate agents generally tested negative or low with few exceptions.
2) Most of those afflicted have an overwhelming desire to sell or lease their property, but are deeply burdened with internal emotional turmoil due to an acute bond to the property – almost as if it were something that could be carried with them into the next iteration of existence.
3) T-MADs, tend to believe that their properties resemble or have – somehow by exceptions to the laws of physics – morphed into priceless, timeless or even wondrous man made historical structures. Consequently, there is often an enormous disconnect between how society views and values their property vs. the seller or landlord.
4) T-MADS can and do in many cases prevent their own success due to irrational or emotional decision making. It ultimately hurts the seller or landlord financially and can hinder the advancement of new life or investment opportunities.
Dear friends, if you or anyone you know is affected by this horrible affliction please do not stay silent. Let’s help end the stigma surrounding t-mad and improve the financial success of landlords and sellers everywhere.
Until next time.
– Mitch Gauzas –

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